We wrap up our series celebrating our fifth season with words from Scarlet Kashuba.
My name is Scarlet Kashuba and I am one of the “OG” members of the Valley Forge Cadettes! Five years ago, my Mommy signed me up for something new and I wasn’t exactly sure what it was. It was skating related, so I knew that it would be something I would love. There were nine of us to start and we were little girls having fun and shaking it to, “Take Me To Heaven.” Fast forward to now, there are thirteen of us skating on a high level synchro team. In that time frame, I have gotten very close to so many wonderful girls. Something I knew nothing about, turned into something so special, so fun, and something I am passionate about. We have so much fun being silly together, but more importantly, reaching our goals that we set for our team. The neatest thing about the Valley Forge Cadettes is that we started off new and were not the strongest, but our coaches encouraged us and we stuck together. Now we are stronger than ever and are doing crazy back lunge intersections! We have come a long way as a team and I can’t wait to see what the next five years brings.
I am Scarlet Kashuba, figure skater and very proud member of the Valley Forge Cadettes synchronized skating team!